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Google Fonts is not Working

If Google Fonts are not working on your WordPress site, there could be several reasons for this issue. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you figure out the problem and resolve it:

Check Network Connection:

Ensure that your website has a stable internet connection. Sometimes, network issues can prevent the loading of external resources, including Google Fonts.

Browser Console:

Open your browser’s developer tools (usually by pressing F12 or right-clicking and selecting “Inspect”), and go to the “Console” tab. Look for any error messages related to the loading of Google Fonts. This can provide insights into the issue.

Verify Google Fonts URL:

Check the URL used to include Google Fonts in your WordPress theme or custom styles. Ensure that the URL is correct and properly formatted. You can find the correct URL on the Google Fonts website when selecting your desired font.

Check for Ad Blockers:

Some ad blockers or privacy-focused browser extensions may block requests to external domains, including Google Fonts. Temporarily disable any ad blockers or privacy extensions and see if that resolves the issue.

Verify HTTPS Connection:

If your WordPress site is using HTTPS, make sure that the Google Fonts URL is also using HTTPS. Some browsers may block HTTP requests from a secure (HTTPS) site to an insecure (HTTP) resource.

Theme and Plugin Conflicts:

Disable your WordPress theme and plugins temporarily to check if there is a conflict causing the issue. If the fonts start working after deactivating a specific theme or plugin, you’ve identified the source of the problem.

Check Theme Settings:

If you are using a custom WordPress theme, check the theme settings or options page to ensure that the Google Fonts integration is correctly configured. Some themes have built-in options for selecting fonts.

Cache Issues:

Clear your browser cache and any caching plugins you might have installed on your WordPress site. Cached files might be outdated and prevent the loading of the fonts.

Inspect CSS Styles:

Inspect the CSS styles applied to your WordPress site using the browser’s developer tools. Check if the font-family properties are correctly set to the Google Fonts you want to use.

Use Default WordPress Theme:

Temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme (like Twenty Twenty-One) to see if the issue persists. If the fonts work with the default theme, the problem may be with your custom theme.

Review Recent Changes:

If the issue started after making changes to your WordPress site, review those changes. Undo recent theme or plugin updates to see if a specific update caused the problem.

Check Google Fonts Status:

Visit the Google Fonts Status page to check if there are any reported issues with Google Fonts. It’s rare, but Google services may experience temporary outages.
By systematically going through these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue with Google Fonts not working on your WordPress site. If the problem persists, you may want to seek assistance from the dedicated Support Team.

Updated on November 15, 2023