Join 11000+ Happy Users Who Use Location Weather to Show Weather Forecasts

Changelogs – What’s New

Version 2.7.2 – Jul 12, 2024

  • Fix: A fatal error created by a missing comma.

Version 2.7.1 – Jul 11, 2024

  • New: A hook ‘splw_city_name’ was added to modify the location name.
  • Fix The Vertical Template 6 shows the highest and lowest temperature twice in the desktop layout with v2.7.0
  • Fix: The visitor location’s weather and cached page issue.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.5.4 compatibility.

Version 2.7.0 – May 30, 2024

  • New: The Map in Tab Layout feature.
  • New: Daily forecast for 5 Days with free OpenWeatherMap API key.
  • New: Weather Map Section Title Option.
  • New: The OpenWeather API Type option.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Improved: The weather carousel accessibility has been improved.
  • Fix: Multiple weather maps were not shown on the same page.
  • Fix: The Google fonts loaded, though the option was disabled.
  • Fix: The temperature switcher shows wrong calculations of the High and Low temperatures on mobile devices with template four of the horizontal layout.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.5.3 compatibility.

Version 2.6.0 – Apr 04, 2024

  • New: The Amazing Weather Map View layout.
  • New: The Map Layers Display Type, Layers Opacity, Zoom Level, Zoom Scroll Wheel, and Legends options.
  • New: Multiple layers (temperature, precipitation, pressure, clouds, wind speed, wind direction, rain chance, snow, etc.) options for weather map.
  • New: The popup option allows you to see weather details when clicking on the city on the map.
  • New: The City Name and Temperature Text color option.
  • New: The City Background and border options.
  • New: The Map Border, Border-radius options.
  • New: The Map Box Shadow options.
  • New: The Weather Map Dimension (width, height) option.
  • New: The One Call API Version option to select the version to show the weather forecast.
  • Improved: The options and help text are optimized.
  • Fix: The Display Day/Date With Hour calculation issue of forecast data.
  • Fix: Some missing alt and width height attribute issues of some weather image icons.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.5 compatibility.

Version 2.5.1 – Feb 12, 2024

  • New: The ACF Google Map field compatibility for Location Weather by Custom Fields option.
  • New: A hook ‘sp_lwp_custom_field_location’ was added to make it compatible for showing weather by custom post type/locations if the existing coordinate file was not compatible with location weather rarely.
  • Improved: The Time Format option will work for forecast data too.
  • Improved: The Plugin menu icon color improved.
  • Fix: The Display Day/Date With Hour calculation issue of forecast data.
  • Fix: The 404 issue of a doc link.
  • Fix: Some not translatable strings were made translatable.
  • Fix: The warning is found when the long lat is empty in the custom post where the location weather shortcode is used to show based on custom posts/locations.
  • Fix: After updating from free to pro, the pro version updater was running. But it should not run an updater.
  • Fix: Fix style issue for background based on temperature of tab layout.

Version 2.5.0 – Dec 05, 2023

  • New: The Drag and Drop option to order and show/hide any element of forecast data.
  • New: Auto (°C/°F) option for temperature unit.
  • New: The Show feature in the forecast data.
  • New: The Cache Time and Purge Cache options.
  • Improved: The active items should be displayed first when displaying Both (°C & °F).
  • Fix: The sun position style issue.
  • Fix: The translation flug does not show in the location weather shortcode table after activation of the Polylang plugin.

Version 2.4.0 – Nov 17, 2023

  • New: Hourly Forecast feature of 48 hours.
  • New: 3 hourly Forecast features of 5 days.
  • New: 2 Amazing Layout Types (Tabs, Table).
  • New: 5 New Pre-made Weather Templates with many customization options.
  • New: Weather Forecast Type option to show Daily, Hourly (1 hour, 3 hourly), and Both types.
  • New: 10 Types of Additional Data Layouts were added for the Vertical Template.
  • New: 3 Additional Data Layout Styles for the Vertical Template were added.
  • New: 3 Types of Additional Data Layout icons with Icon color, size, and spacing options.
  • New: 5 new types of Weather Status icons for current weather and weather forecast with Icon Color and Size options.
  • New: The Clouds option to show cloud status.
  • New: Detailed Weather link option.
  • New: The Data Update Time option.
  • New: National Weather Alerts option.
  • New: Moonrise & Moonset Time option.
  • New: Moon Phase option.
  • New: The Forecast Data Background option.
  • New: The Content Padding option.
  • Improved: The Display Options tab and Typography tab fields are reorganized in the nested tab.
  • Improved: The Highest and Lowest Temperature options merged into one option.
  • Improved: The Sunrise and Sunset Time options merged into one option.
  • Improved: Plugin UI and UX improved.
  • Improved: The tooltip/help text of plugin options to make it more user-friendly.
  • Fix: When the plugin has an update, the warning appears on clicking the “show changelog” link.
  • Fix: When the weather language was set to a language, the warning was found in the weather forecast section.
  • Fix: Some warnings were found with PHP v8.2.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4 compatibility.

Version 2.3.0 – Aug 23, 2023

  • New: The Weather View options like Vertical and Horizontal View.
  • New: 8 New Amazing Pre-made Templates for showing weather reports with a lot of customization features.
  • New: The Rain Chance option to show rain chance in percentage.
  • New: The Dew Point option.
  • New: The Weather Forecast Carousel features AutoPlay, AutoPlay Delay Time, Carousel Speed, Stop on Hover, Infinite Loop, Columns, Navigation Icon, and Navigation Color options.
  • New: The Weather Additional Data Carousel feature with Autoplay, AutoPlay Delay Time, Carousel Speed, Stop on Hover, Columns, Navigation Icon, and Navigation Color options.
  • New: The Typography option of the weather section title.
  • New: The Precipitation Unit option.
  • New: The Forecast Title option.
  • New: The Link to the OpenWeatherMap option.
  • Updated: The language(.pot) file.
  • Improved: The Date and Time Format option.
  • Improved: The weather static icons.
  • Fix: The plugin style issue in RTL Sites.

Version 2.2.6 – Jul 26, 2023

  • New: Air Pollution or Quality feature.
  • New: A hook ‘splw_direction_modification’ to modify the direction of the wind direction icon.
  • Improved: Wind gust feature.
  • Improved: The YouTube video background feature.
  • Fix: The wind direction icon is not in the proper direction.

Version 2.2.5 – Jun 14, 2023

  • New: The Export-Import feature
  • New: The animated weather icon feature.
  • New: The Wind direction attribute in the Wind Gust option.
  • Improved: The default background color of the Weather Section has been changed.
  • Fix: The warning related to the cache feature.
  • Fix: Plugin on deletion; some transient and options do not get deleted. from multisite.
  • Fix: The forecast selection option style issue on the Gutenberg edit page.

Version 2.2.4 – Mar 22, 2023

  • New: The custom timezone option.
  • New: Used transient for reducing open-weather API calls.
  • Improved: Plugin security improved.
  • Fix: Location time does not change in time.
  • Fix: The warning of the undefined index found on the plugin’s deletion.

Version 2.2.3 – Dec 07, 2022

  • Improved: The default font family of the Typography Settings is set to empty to inherit the font family of the current theme.
  • Improved: Help page.
  • Improved: Load stylesheets in the header based on shortcodes on the page.
  • Fix: The visitor’s location doesn’t show when the server is WP Engine.

Version 2.2.2 – Sept 20, 2022

  • New: Visibility unit mile option.
  • New: Location Weather based on custom dynamic location or post type field data.
  • Fix: Error notices are made translatable.

Version 2.2.1 – Jul 15, 2022

  • Tested: WordPress 6.0 compatibility.
  • New: The Custom JS option.
  • New: Hook ‘sp_lwp_weather_icon’ added to replace default weather icons.
  • New: Hook ‘splw_style_load_in_header’ added to load plugin CSS in header/body.
  • Improved: Plugin CSS optimized.
  • Fix: The date is not translated if the date format is 24 hours.
  • Fix: No space between city and country code.
  • Fix: 503 error rarely found in the add new shortcode page.
  • Fix: Parse error after adding to cart of WooCommerce.
  • Fix: The live preview doesn’t work correctly if the Skip Cache option is enabled.

Version 2.2.0 – Apr 27, 2022

  • New: Gutenberg Block for shortcode preview
  • New: Elementor Addon.
  • New: The preview feature has been added.
  • New: Date format option added.
  • New: Option to skip cache to show real-time weather reports.
  • New: The ‘Help’ page has been added.
  • Updated: Add shortcode page has been redesigned.
  • Improved: The max and min temperatures will be shown daily (previously hourly based)
  • Fix: Precipitation does not show correctly.
  • Fix: Country code cannot be overridden by option.
  • Fix: Name of days text-transform issue in forecast section.
  • Fix: Some assets of the backend are not loaded properly in a few websites as that hosting directory is different.

Version 2.1.1 – Jan 17, 2022

  • Improved: The translation option in a few languages (Spanish/Albanian).
  • Improved: The names of days and months in the forecast are translatable.
  • Improved: A few units are made translatable.
  • Fix: PHP 8 Warning issue in license page resolved.

Version 2.1.0 – 11 Dec, 2021

  • New: Typography feature added.
  • New: hPa unit of pressure added.
  • Improved: API key functionality improved.
  • Improved: Settings page improved.
  • Fix: Some minor issues.

Version 2.0.5 – 06 Oct, 2021

  • Fix: The license is not working on the multisite issue.

Version 2.0.4 – 03 Aug, 2021

  • Fix: Text-domain register issue.
  • Fix: Settings page logo issue.

Version 2.0.3 – 01 Apr, 2021

  • Fix: Spaces between coordinates error issue.
  • Fix: Undefined variable issue.
  • Improved: Dashboard Generator Settings panel.
  • Test: WordPress 5.7 compatibility.

Version 2.0.2 – 04 Feb, 2021

  • Fix: Date and Time issue.

Version 2.0.1 – 12 Jan, 2021

  • Fix: PHP backward compatibility issue.

Version 2.0.0 – 05 Jan, 2021

  • New: Weather for 4 specific location types: City name, City ID, ZIP, and Coordinates (latitude & longitude).
  • New: HTML5 geo-location with IP fallback/detect visitors auto location.
  • New: 16-day weather forecast with temperature, precipitation, wind velocity, humidity, pressure, and cloud Information.
  • New: Custom location name (override location name).
  • New: Temperature unit (metric-°C, imperial-°F, and auto).
  • New: Pressure unit (mb, kPa, inHg, psi, mmHg/Torr, kgf/cm, etc.).
  • New: Wind speed unit (mph, m/s, kms, kts, etc.).
  • New: Time format.
  • New: Highest and lowest temperature.
  • New: Real feel option.
  • New: Show/hide Weather description(conditions).
  • New: Precipitation, wind gusts, UV Index, etc. options
  • New: Visibility, sunrise, sunset, etc.
  • New: Weather attribution.
  • New: 4 Weather background types (solid, gradient, image, video).
  • New: Widget text color, border, border radius, etc.
  • New: Video and weather-based image overlay color options.
  • New: HTML5 video (.mp4, .webm, .ogg) or YouTube background.
  • New: Weather-based different image backgrounds for 7 weather conditions.
  • New: Advanced settings.
  • New: Custom CSS option to override styles.
  • New: Widget ready.
  • New: 45 Languages supported.
  • New: Weather widget title.
  • Improved: The admin settings panel got a vast improvement.

Version 1.2.4 – 15 Jan, 2019

  • Fix: Color picker issue.

Version 1.2.3 – 11 Jan, 2019

  • Fix: Weather API issue.
  • New: API key add option.
  • New: Custom CSS option.

Version 1.2.2 – 03.02.2018

  • Fix: Background color issue.
  • New: Text color option.
  • New: Icon color option.

Version 1.2.1 – 23.01.2018

  • Fix: Loading scripts from unauthenticated sources on the SSL server.

Version 1.2 – 31.08.2017

  • Fix: PHP error fixed

Version 1.1 – 24.02.2017

  • New: Added shortcode option
  • New: Added background color option

Version 1.0 – 22.04.2016

  • Initial Released